Vision turned a little twinky from the little fatigue and the outing since morning which had been a wonderful time spent with Pink and our little one, atop with some rush-hour training before commencement of night shift.

Pink will be away for a week abroad for work, so the rest of the week will be lonesome without her voice, company and presence...some things to do to keep myself company to help the day time pass, catch up on my rest and twitch a little to the new training program.

Another setback awaits me at the end of July till mid August when she will be away for 2 weeks, this time to a further destination at a different time zone, but again, I have already gotten used to her constant absence.

What will the future be like for us? There are some uncertainties while sustaining my positivity towards changes in our lives. I'll set the questionable part upon myself, as to my earning capacity. Though not mentioned from her lips, I know very well that she will be more than glad that I can earn substantially to provide for her and little one.

Her positiveness and trust in me, has led me on to improve my personal growth towards career improvement.

Time fleets by so quickly and there had been so much improvement in emotional management within, as well as the "side-effects" of self-shutting of desired expressions, that many a time that I wanted to tell Pink but shutted within.Previous experiences had made me shut conversation with her that worried her, but the main purpose non-guilt imposing but rather a "withdrawal symptom" when I had a "verbal strikedown" from my most beloved...

Thoughts seemed scattered here but it came around as the whiffs of past experiences came through my mind, good or bad, thus no inclination to any side.

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