First scene showed us, the Super Gangsters in Kevin's humble abode; we were talking about how Iris got to know some of her friends we met during their wedding.

The layout of their room now looked a little different; instead of walking right from the entrance, it is now a straight path.  Even the room's layout looked a little different compared to what we saw in reality.

Switchscene showed me walking through some "technical yard", it resembled a shipyard, yet the condition of everything looked so technical like those seen in the Waterworld movie.  I was talking to Ruisheng, puffing a cigarette and we were hopping through the very cluttered ground.

Next scene showed me getting ready to move out, with my new car - an SUV which I had to wrap some protective film like those plastic wrap for shipping packaging which was like a sort of sticker that I had to go several rounds around the car, yet the door can still be opened.  It started to rain and dearie wanted to pass me her favourite plush to sit in my car.  I let her keep the plush by her side as I knew it was something that could keep her company in my absence.

Moving out - after entering the car, now it seemed like I'm driving a huge truck, passing by was a medical droid which was moving on land rather than via rails in the ceiling of hospitals where medical supplies are transported between different areas.

After I reached camp, I was accompanied by a female armament specialist as we walked through to our company lines; mine was 1 stop before hers so she walked ahead after our walk and conversation.  As soon as I reached my company line, my comrades, Roger and Calvin (previously from regular service) started talking to me as they got excited seeing a pleasant lady in our camp.  They started asking me where I got to know them and I gave the usual answer of "knew through a friend" - they seemed to want an introduction too.

Now, I learnt from my men that there was some active personnel who made us, NSMen do corporal punishment and said we owed them some push-ups; it was ridiculous as it reminded me of a reenactment where the SOM wanted to make a NSMen do push-ups and was unsuccessful - I passed my rifle to Alvin Zhuang (another storeman during my regular days) and went to see this person.

The journey had to be one moving downwards on the terrain level, so I had to cross over the "lookout platform" and swing myself down to the next lower level.

Before I could find that place, eyes opened; it was already 7am.

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