Seeing the sparkle in Serene's eyes really warms my heart when I drop by her place for lunch; room's crowding up with more agents, but I'm pretty settled down with Oblivition Mode activated.

Saw a Toyota Sera on the way to work, which was one of the last few living legends of early 1990s, despite bearing the SDQ registration number.

Warm company despite the hustle.

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Today unarmed on mobile mode as iPhone had been left at home in view of Time Crisis.

Weather looks ready to “Raining Rain, Hallelujah”, so it had been wiser to be on the street with an umbrella.

Familiar taste of the meat during lunch at Maybank coffeeshop; it tasted like those canned stewed pork which was well camouflaged in the gravy. Canned food also have their own recipe so it’s easily detectable.

A little busy at Serene’s office so I decided to make my way back to office. Partial workout done today but still in time to make my way to office this morning; traffic is pretty healthy; thus a smooth journey to work.

Passing thought about the perm conversion status; though Serene had been really encouraging by telling me not to worry; it certainly strikes me a lot on each and every passing week without any news. Though appearing un disturbed on the surface, at the bottom is a stirring cyclone of tsunami which has not surfaced yet.

Last occurrence was almost a year ago.

Almost time to return to battle, so for now, these are the mental sediments.
Euro R. Red with heavy tint as their usual trademark.

What makes it so desirable is the power and aura of menace that surrounds, giving the driver's driving personality a more precise cut.

'Don't forget the Drive' sounds in my ear as I made The Long Walk from Bugis to Wilki Edge.

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The most CL driver; driving at 10km/hr when going to Anchorvale MSCP.

SJL = Super Jia Lat Yupee

I had to cut the driver from other means and make my way back to the top of the deck.

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Black Z4 slipping out from Queen Street. Another scene from the Valley of the Kings.

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We had a great time catching up with Alex and his wife Karen, while deciding to lunch at West Coast; a Monday which feels like a Sunday. 10mins’ drive from their place to the destination to fill our stomachs and chat over lunch; Alex was exceptionally quiet despite the time we managed to spend to catch up during the lunch in the cooled environment of Jack's Place.

His wife had gone up first after we went to visit the fish shop - Clementi Floral, which I've missed the last time I first came to Clementi upon the news from Alex on the good pricing of fish keeping accessories.

The shop is pretty cluttered but with a huge variety of fish, and aquarium acccessories.

I got a couple of female guppies and took a visit to Alex's place, which was really an unforgettable view; on the outside, it looks like an ordinary apartment, but the inside is so simple, yet so nice and cosy. That certainly helps to inspire our new home!

The final departing for East was done near late afternoon, with the last trip up to get missing guppies.
Just got teased by Christopher when he was going for lunch with June and Kent; “hair so messy”, so my reply was “luan zhong dai shuai”.

Workout had been missing this morning as I had been set on Quick Charge mode; the past 2 nights were late in view of settling down the new roommates.
17 more mins to the completion of today’s delayed lunch; after a verbal wrestle which was a “walkover” when the agent’s line was dropped beyond my control.

Serene’s office had been vacant when I reached there for my Weekday “healthy drink delivery routine.

The security lady was in a green top which I couldn’t make out, and teased me for not getting her anything; she could be on the way for lunch when I made my way there.

Agents started to flood Serene’s office after 10mins or so, where I decided it is time to make my way back to office.

I’m glad that the assignment had mostly been done, with the exception of the last part of research

The trailblaze was done within 5mins prior to my weekly visitation to Serene’s office. It appeared bright, but without the presence of Rayblades that could potentially sear through the fabric of my shirt.
Quick detection on vacant seat at at Tampines Mall Kopitiam. Finally, the refuelling can be done.

The afternoon sun had been pretty challenging against staying awake; guppies are fine but I should not rush o into introducing more guppies.

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Just 10mins more! The back will be marked from extended compression of entire chassis' weight towards completion of the Hardened Stand on Hard Ground.

First objective is to refuel with Tifa Serene Lockhart's aid.
Lesson has went smoothly but mind still a little worried about thosw guppies at home, while still thinking about the cause of Spotted Tail's death...

The pH looks fine but not sure about the ammonia level in the water.

All should be fine after an ammonia test in the water.

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As the echos of chair stacking goes on an anti-gravity clang; the worries about the guppies' death somehow poked my mental galaxy like a finger into to a still pond.

I need to try relaxing a little as each fish's death upsets me; it could well be the water condition which isn't fully suitable to the guppies.

There must be a way to do it right once and for good with patience.

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It's not the usual popular hit from Michael Learns to Rock, but an indication of the duration on foot while awaiting for my Fairy's exit from the lecture theatre.

I'll have her over for dinner tonight, so it'll be a good chance for my mun to catch up with her.

In an airconditoned enclosure, one can imagine the overhead just on the aircon itself - almost like airconditioning a mansion on this gigantic block of lecture theatres, classrooms filled with all walks of life, be it knowledge-seekers or even those who gives care to the beautiful garden and mini water splurting display.

System temperature brought down to a nominal state where there will not be the initialisation of Bio-cooling through dissipation of PL-Type 01: Perspiration; a taboo before my dearest Tifa Serene Lockhart.

Clock's ticking towards the 10th minute, bringing the 2 Point Balance session to 25 minutes.

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Black Honda S2000 roaring on the road just outside Blackmores Drive but could not see the driver beyond the small glass pane and soft top.

I'm early, reached SIM in 20mins from Wilki Edge.

45mins more to the completion of her class!

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A yellow Ferrari F430 spotted slipping out of the road, driven by a middle-aged man and turning into 6th Avenue; one of the estate of the Rich and Powerful.

Sunglare trip where eyes are shielded by Oakley Square Wire 2.0.

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The last male survivor guppy got from Polyart has died when I awoken this morning; that sets me worried for the rest of those that were just introduced.

Could it have something to do with the water pH level? I had better get it checked before this tank turns into a grave for more fishes.

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Guppies are more or less settled now that the death toll has been eliminated; 4 more to join the sole survivor.

Though not much choice of females at Colourful fish shop at Balestier, the guppies are beautiful and heathly; took my time to select and now the tank is
livelier. Lesson learnt: Not to get guppies from Polyart or Clementi Florist considering the 100% death toll for all females bought from there.

Serene had dozed off after a back massage before I left her place after picking her up from school; weather had started heating up, so tonight will be another Wind in the Willows.

Goodnight world, dearest Serene and family. May Sandman enter and bring me to Lalaland well.

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The phone started to ring and the name 'Amy HP' appeared. An old friend whom I've not heard from for ages.

When I answered, it was her mum who addressed me by my name, asking me if I have her mobile no. I replied that this is the no that I have. Only through further conversation did I learn that she had left home and didn't return for some time. She said 'please ask her to come back and tell her that I've forgiven her, when she still has the chance to see me'. For a moment, I was baffled as she had always been very close to her mum, but what had caused this?

Her mum sounded real upset so I consoled her and assured her that I will do my best to help find her. That last sentence sounded really dire. Strangely, her mum didn't receprocate when I replied her...only then I realised that it's a dream.

6:57am with the flowing sound of water.

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2nd spotting of the pink RX8, with a badly cracked and broken tail, that is parked along Caltex station at Changi Road.

This car have been spotted on 21/09 when we did the fish hunt at K&K Aquatic Centre.

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The death toll in my guppy tank are far, the following are the deaths that occured:

1x male guppy
1x female guppy
2x Holland Rams
2x female guppy
1x female guppy

The orangey pregnant females bought by far seem to sink inyo death quickly. Seems like the last female is also on the death bed; there could be something with the water, but by far, the male is surviving well.

Test swop done and realised the cause of immobility is due to bladder inflammation and affected must be removed and destroyed.

Let's pray hard that the population will stop decreasing.

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Red fat Ferrari zipped past Bras Basah resembling 'red apple' in Serene's fish tank.

A maroon colored SLK200 was stopped on the pedestrian crossing, SGD100R but driven by a 40year depreciated lady. All comments reserved.

I've entered the Fiery Cars Zone near Sunshine Plaza, it'll be usual to see a few more exotic rides, while also wondering what lies in these drivers' financial blueprint; how many of them are successful on the same margin as Adam Khoo?

The crafting to success on with life as the object of sculpture continues.

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Just awoken from deep slumber; dreamt of Serene hitting me when buying only 1 cup of bubble tea at Cup Walker near her home.

Wish I can be at home now and recovering on loss sleep.

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A pretty tasty lunch which contains the most potent essence in the Order of ALS agents: Coconut Milk. It causes the lights in the visual apeture to flicker, followed by force shut of the Eyegates.

It's still having an effect on me dispite being away from lunch for almost 3 hours.

No lessons tonight, so I can shop visit at Clementi and see Serene tonight!

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A deep slumber after a day of fish shop running near my home, 3 shops in a row.

Stop 1: K&K Aquatic Centre at Tampines Blk 201, decent variety, mammals decently priced but not tge fish.

Stop 2: Yun Feng with a massive array of fish, accessories, but the store was exceptionally quiet; saw a couple of female guppies that were pregnant, but didn't get them as they were huge and might eat up my sole male guppy in Mr & Mrs Guppy tank.

Stop 3: huge tiger barb not for sale greeted us, with lesser variety but lots of live feed for arowanas ie worms. Shop seemingly specialising in discus.

Stop 4: even lesser variety with friendly barefooted shopowner. Viewing done in less than 10mins.

Will be meeting Alex for tank collection and fish shop visit after eating a little at NUS prata shop. Rendeavous: Blk 328 near Polyart.

Mission Timer, initialised.

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Eyelids: 1 ton weighed down for me to enter a mild slumber while sitting on the couch at Serene's place; we had just picked 2 Holland Rams to join the cohort, and a little sucker fish to accompany Mr & Mrs Guppy.

Serene commented that my massage has improved; could that be an idea for me to be trained as a certified masseur / physician where it will be another avenue of remuneration of services?

Slumberland for Serene now; it must be the enhanced blood circulation after the Iron Clamp of the Titan's Fingers.

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A wonderful fellowship with the meetup with Serene's brother, Andrew and his wife, who was passing his wedding invitation card to her; their big day will be on 13/10. A yellow Camero was spotted at Compasspoint's Chevrolet roadshow which was certainly a sight; Bumblebee in Transformers and Serene's top was just missing the racing stripes to complete that match.

We had a good chat and learnt about many things that had happened during his Assurance Tour. Of such, some are labelled "uh, the unbelievable" (EMF).

Fish hunt continues for Serene's beloved 'Dolly'...

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Serene had been spotted by her dad for the Coach hunt, which there seemingly be a good bargain.

The deduce for today is that Men seek fortune while Women will go for pretty things such as Coach bags; one of the many dimensions of their favourite persuit.

Refocus: I'll continue paving my way to formulate my blueprint of wealth.

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The perspiration is still on despite settling down in the pantry after brisk walking from Serene's office back to my battlebase.

Serene's office is agent-infested so it's better that I take my leave earlier. Prestorm sky outside shelter.

It might have been awhile since I last wrote here, but all will be seen on bulk basis. Seeing those pics we have, it's really high time we take more photos together and fill my Multiply with it. Seeing her photos bring such a sweet sensation to my so happy to have her!

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Pearly-tone white GTR spotted in Caltex station along Changi Road.

A reminder for crafting my own trademark of success.

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wondering who this is who has been calling me 3 times during the lunch hour...
Branch Strike Force activated and managed to help Serene check some work matters on a scope commonly shared.

It's really heart warming to see her smile so happily that was commented by agent Mr Lee, who was simulating some dance moves in the room after demostrating how guys wll handle technical glitches occuring on hardware.

Energy bar still adequately filled while the hour approaches for the first examination of my course this Sat evening.

DL has been kidnapped! I haven't had my dose of IT updates as they never fail to keep me interested to be on the edge.

Deep sleep, 10mins.

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The chakara within me has been combating against the anti-gravitational Itch that reaches the nasal exhausts, somehow suppressed when taking hot drinks but yet uprising at times without prior warning.

It's the moment of the day again where I have to do my disposal routine.

Using my willpower to keep those unwellness at bay can certainly bring me further, till I complete this week and easing the tension of pre-examination woes.

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Taking me by the minutes, it has been causing
much discomfort when strain is put on the throat during windblast from throat...the feeling's like that of a pre-illness symptom but I will hold on.

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The assignment is complete and ready for submission, glad it can be out of the way to allow me to revise for next week's exam.

Wilkie Edge is quiet and cool as usual, made my way to school with a smooth as sherbet style traffic conditions.

Assignment timeout at T-0.10.

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Finally a chance for my routine visit; successful production of niodegradable Airway Attack Bomb, AAB Type-0.

The game will be starting soon and have just finished a series of paper-snipping, keyboard ruffling and mouse clicking, all on random sequences.

Ready to go!

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Twinshot done, after the upsurge caused by seeing IT gadgets that reminded myself of living the ultimate digital life I want.

Serene looks and sounds better after we met up, from the verbal kombat with her primary school friend.

Right now, thinking how much more will I see at Comex 2009 that is held about 12km away from where we are: Tampines Mall.

"Emergency pressure valve relieved, all systems nominal." audified internally.

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Another battleday done, much has been arranged for tomorrow's event, and yes,I've been appointed as One of the Snapclick Order; something I've always enjoyed doing!

Eyes carries a flamy desired sensation; could be the stay up to fix the NRIC registration which session timed out after finding the best pic.

On the new Merz bus and journey had been pretty rough velocited, with a group of youngsters talking loudly, resembling mobile clowning on weirdsome accents, chanting 'shackhou you shuckhow". Such a scene is somewhat humorous, but can be pretty nuisance in the long run.

Spotted Ong Tock Sun, one of the old time warrant officer in Ammo Base at Bedok Central.

Radio out.

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Complete slumber when I shut eyes on the pantry couch, which brought me back to the calming sandy beach with waves rolling onto the white sands…

It’s almost time to get back to work.
4.5 of the battle week done; tomorrow will be the Battle of the Shiny Balls Down Lane, where we will all get to see the best shooters from the assembly of the company.

It’s nice to see Serene again after lunch today; her office air-con’s so much cooler compared to mine, which is a Shrieking Chill Blade piercing in the skin from where I shoot.

Return to battle station.
I certainly need more raw power to fire up those bio-hydraulics for a
more massive physique!

Workout completed. I'm deciding to focus 90/10 on weights compared to
kinestatic exercises as they advance the mass development on a steeper
curve. Uh uh, no drugs, purely naturally trained.

Serene must still be in lalaland? There was a short glimpse of
segmented, cluttered dreams which could not be made out; could it be
the stress from studies / work be the cause of their presence?

Sun's out soon and so is my day; the daily work on PTCs have been
cleared and I've got Molly onboard Emailcashpro recently; this should
help her pick up from those bad times she had experienced in life.

Gonna help more people on that...'autobots, get ready to roll out!'

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It's not that late but certainly high time to reture for the evening;
got my MED tomorrow and a whole day of work and challenges awaiting.

Maximum evasion of unhappy events encountered at work, yet interesting
events on my end, playing the role
of Police and Imposter, where the 'suspect' still wanted to play Full
Cheat. Attempts failed; tough luck that she had ran into me.

Serene's wisdom tooth is causing discomfort to her gums as they are
behaving like stalamites, reaching skyward within the tissue walls.

Learning from Serene that Sally's comment about my eloquency spurred
me to write more and better with each passing day. Though a couple of
days' gap recently, more will be filled in time to come.

Jopie's leaving; 1 more valuable asset departing. Though I don't know
him extremely well, it will make significant effect when he leaves the

Night retirement activated at 12:40am.

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Woot! White Nissan GTR parked just outside Sunshine Plaza as I
trotted to
my school in Wilki Edge. Another sight that pricked my sub-conscious.

Reached school 10mins before class commencement.

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White 370Z spotted near Fortune Centre. This area seems like a
hotspot for high performance cars; similar scenario as I had last
Monday, despite it being the most 'gruelling' Monday in civilian life.

Driver spotted as lady; pretty fair lady driving a Fairlady; wondering
if she's 'the fed' or 'feeder'...

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Ha, here's what the scumbag said...

"I m working as sales. I left that place in early of 2006.
every business will have up and down....

wish you have great joy and happiness.

we can catch up some day."

What will you guys do if you have been personally attacked in the past, especially the last sentence?
Mind's still on the way to reunion, wondering what to say after so
many years to my brother.

My dad's words floated in my mind that he would have failed his duty
as a father if both us remain on non-talking terms for the rest of his
life...that was the key that unlocked the visual flood as I wouldn't
want this to occur for the future generations too.

I've smsed my sis to check if he has facebook, since I've failed by
searching through his name. All's to proceed for the completion of
the family's ultimate reunion.


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I've finally found what is the missing piece of core element in my
life, so this Friday will be the cube turning in to fit into the core

My parents had been attempting to piece my brother and I back together
but it has toiled them substantially for the past 15 years.

Though by nature an evader of conflicts, it has come by to a time that
both of us must reconcile. I have been pushing myself well hard, at
times crowned the Bladewalker, but the essence of familyship had been

That is the Offspark of my life; could that be the core essence that
had hindered me from advancing at double backfire speed?

My father has also shared his personal struggles with my uncle, that
caused an inch of tear to start trickling from my edge of my eye.
For too long I have placed an armoured front with the face of Iron
Golem. These words certainly melted me from within, and cause a
crumbling of the ironised countenance.

I have my bad too, to make Serene feel uncomfortable and weird, and
also my sister being difficult in between.

The Friday with a different sunset comes.

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The drinks I had in view of the CCAS celebration had been pretty
heavy, as I lay on the bed like a fish out of water, completely
muffled to the world...

Had just awoken a moment ago and read Serene sms...oh no! 「寶貝對
不起,不是故意的」rang through my mind as I brainstorm how to
make her happy again.

She will be having lessons tonight and the exam results weren't very

I have to try to sleep; dryspell still going on in my head like the
red storm spot of Jupiter; wonder how it looks like inside?

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It's finally the end of the day where I can lay my feet to rest for awhile, after running some errands; 40 damage done for the 2 parking fines; thus recovery initiative has been activated to recoup those losses.

Today's work out had to be trashed, scrapped, considering the massive walk I had done today; first time on a working day in office attire; sweltering out to the maximum but it sure had been a good walk.

Workout will commence tomorrow since a fair bit of massive toning had been done; I should be armed with sports attire next time should such a situation arise again; that will make the Great Walk an exceptionally enjoyable one!

Oh no, Serene's unwell from the chilled strawberry milk....could it be the temperature conflict, right after some stove-cooked dinner went in? Hope she's feeling after a warm cup of water...

It's a pre good-night to Pd and Dp :)