It has been awhile since I wrote my thoughts, as much has been occurring in the past.

For a moment back then, it felt like my career was going for a jump start when I was offered a position with a wine company in the UK, which was offered a couple of days after I submitted my application. Many things had to be prepared such as gathering more information, preparing myself mentally to suit the lifestyle and working environment that I will be in, which it all turned out to be a scam which gave me a great discomfort when they asked me to borne 20% of the fees for worker’s permit, which should be borne by the hiring company in all cases. Their practice turned out to be in accordance to the advance fee fraud which I read on a website that was provided by my aunt from her research that made me decide to drop it.

My relationship with Yuzhen became stronger and closer over the time as we spent chatting on the phone and meeting up a few times over these few weeks. She indeed was really quiet and kept very much to herself, but after knowing her through this period of time, I realized that she has somewhat the same personality as me, in the sense of keeping things to herself and not telling others about her unhappiness. Towards the end of our meetup yesterday, she revealed to me that she has this feeling of self-pity which could not be explained, and whenever such is mentioned, she will withdraw into a still quietness that leaves me thinking how I can cheer her up or break the silence with a change of conversation topic. She somehow look different when we met up yesterday, later in the night for supper, as her black top complimented her skin tone really well.

The job hunt continues. The reason that I have been living solitarily for the past few months was because I wanted to play the “Black Horse” game, that is, to work silently and then producing an astonishing result which people will envy and wonder how I did it. That is the real nature of myself.

Challenges ahead in life seems to be getting tough, but I do not want to dwell on the unhappy things in life and move on, getting stronger and wiser with life’s experiences that I may share with my offsprings in future. I want people around me to be proud of me, especially my parents, thus for now, biting my lip and moving on to greater levels would be the best thing I can do.

This process would not be easy, and require me to seal up my emotions where necessary so as to be able to focus my energy on the more important things towards my goal.

My diary shall resume on a daily basis that talks about the happenings of life that shall be etched into eternity in this cyberworld of my paper-less journal.

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