Twisting and turning on bed for the past half hour even after watching my favourite anime Bleach, still does not render me to feeling sleepy despite how relaxed I have been. Something must be clouding my mind.

One of the reasons I wish to leave my thoughts here is to keep my memories and life’s happenings eternal in cyberspace, as life can be so brittle; I was suddenly reminded of an ex-army friend’s death on Mother’s Day this year where he lay in coma for the past month before taking his leave from this world. He was doing great in his career; though I don’t know him that well as a buddy, the important values of life to survive in the corporate world after my army contract has been true and useful, that brought me this far.

Alex, thank you for teaching me the value of the Chinese saying “出外靠朋友”. You’ll always remain fond in our memories…

This incident gave me a wake-up call, to value life more and to live each day to its best, be it at work, family and spending time with loved ones. Nothing can be more wonderful than having our loved ones being there to encourage us and guide us through this journey of life, a wonderful gift that God has given to us.

I will walk this journey of life and face the challenges ahead, no matter how tough the going gets....

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