This has been my weakest link that has been affecting much of my speech. Sometimes, I wonder if it is a medical issue, which is one of the last barrier I have to overcome.

Could it be due to a “lazy tongue”, causing my speech sluriness, a bad throat or as informed, that I hardly open my mouth when I speak or the speech is too hasty? Maybe a speech therapist can help me on this, as I do feel that my throat is somewhat enclosed in some ways.

Need to set aside some time to work on it as I do not want to have this problem for life. So now, downshift from Gear 5 to Gear 3 speedwise, tap a little brake occasionally and some MWE (mouth widening exercises) for better clarify!

Despite missing the second sequel of this movie, the third one as really impacting as the story goes on to tell more about the Flying Dutchman.

Chow Yuen Fatt starrs as the Chinese pirate with the legendary Chinese symbol of power, dragon tattooed on the right of his shaven head. He certainly has aged a lot and still as suave as ever in this role. For the first time in Hollywood movies, he’s co-starring…savvy!

Johnny Depp has gotten more cool this time with his silly movements such as the attempt to drag his vessel on hard ground, which some stone crab colony helped him to move it into the water after the crew with Keira Knightly were swept ashore.

Make up effects were more cool as they showed Orlando Bloom (Turner’s) dad being encased in the vessel with a starfish stuck on his head, mosses and barnacles sticking out from his chin…it sure look alittle gross but that’s what grows in the deep marine life.

Keira Knightly was voted as Pirate King by all the 9 pirate lords; each pirate lord casted a vote for themselves but Johnny Depp casted one more for Keira which deemed her as the Pirate King…her oriental-style pirate costume looks really cool with all those embroidery, letter studs and small hood across her shoulders.

The most stunning appearance of the Flying Dutchman, a cursed ship, is how it charges out of the water from the deeps of seas, with the decayed wood around the vessel, moss-soiled sails and barnacle and coral-infested triple cannons and
Johnny’s “extra” appeared as the moss-engulfed and semi decomposed body from within the walls of the prison which he was in, and took out his brain which was bobbling in his exposed skull…a pretty good special effect done which has been so realistically gross…his silly phrase “nobody moves. I just dropped my brain” when he was searching for his brain that he took out from his exposed skull…gruesome…the “brain” looks like some jelly stuff…haha…

Well…Orlando become the next Captain for Flying Dutchman when he was killed by the octopusy-faced captain David Jones whose heart was pierced and he died, which Orlando’s dad took his son’s heart out and place it in the chest for him to be revived as the new Captain for Flying Dutchman. Every Captain for Flying Dutchman’s heart will be kept in this chest (should be called Dead Man’s chest in second sequel) and they will sail for eternity.

So much for the review…the movie was definitely a great one…worth watching for those who likes pirates…voyages, sea and cannons.

Live on, Pirates of the Carribean!

After watching Pirates, the feeling that I get is these pirates are really cool and were triumphant in their doings…the royal navy seemed helpless against all these justice-seeking pirates where the Endeavour ship was blasted into bits by 2 pirate ships.

Am I a pirate too? Well maybe yes, in the cyberworld and yet a resounding no, as I don’t do it for money.

I am Cybin Pirood (cyber version of Robin Hood) with the Robin Hood code: to leech from the rich and distribute to the the poor users including myself. Cool’s the name isn’t it?

Noble role one could say.

Why pay a hefty sum for a piece of plastic packed in some cardboard box with some paper? Doesn’t it make sense? I’m just trying to make the cyber world a happier place for all users…

Not a suicidal attempt to land me in a lawsuit, but rather to make things happier for all those talents who are unable to fork out a hefty sum to buy the software.

Many thanks to those the Honoury Cracker YK who has taught me this technique in 1998 and I have become an independent Cracker Veteran for sometime.

May the Codes be with you!

Despite missing the second sequel of this movie, the third one as really impacting as the story goes on to tell more about the Flying Dutchman.

Chow Yuen Fatt starrs as the Chinese pirate with the legendary Chinese symbol of power, dragon tattooed on the right of his shaven head. He certainly has aged a lot and still as suave as ever in this role. For the first time in Hollywood movies, he’s co-starring…savvy!

Johnny Depp has gotten more cool this time with his silly movements such as the attempt to drag his vessel on hard ground, which some stone crab colony helped him to move it into the water after the crew with Keira Knightly were swept ashore.

Make up effects were more cool as they showed Orlando Bloom (Turner’s) dad being encased in the vessel with a starfish stuck on his head, mosses and barnacles sticking out from his chin…it sure look alittle gross but that’s what grows in the deep marine life.

Keira Knightly was voted as Pirate King by all the 9 pirate lords; each pirate lord casted a vote for themselves but Johnny Depp casted one more for Keira which deemed her as the Pirate King…her oriental-style pirate costume looks really cool with all those embroidery, letter studs and small hood across her shoulders.

The most stunning appearance of the Flying Dutchman, a cursed ship, is how it charges out of the water from the deeps of seas, with the decayed wood around the vessel, moss-soiled sails and barnacle and coral-infested triple cannons and
Johnny’s “extra” appeared as the moss-engulfed and semi decomposed body from within the walls of the prison which he was in, and took out his brain which was bobbling in his exposed skull…a pretty good special effect done which has been so realistically gross...his silly phrase “nobody moves. I just dropped my brain” when he was searching for his brain that he took out from his exposed skull…gruesome…the “brain” looks like some jelly stuff…haha…

Well…Orlando become the next Captain for Flying Dutchman when he was killed by the octopusy-faced captain David Jones whose heart was pierced and he died, which Orlando’s dad took his son’s heart out and place it in the chest for him to be revived as the new Captain for Flying Dutchman. Every Captain for Flying Dutchman’s heart will be kept in this chest (should be called Dead Man’s chest in second sequel) and they will sail for eternity.

So much for the review…the movie was definitely a great one…worth watching for those who likes pirates…voyages, sea and cannons.

Live on, Pirates of the Carribean!

Twisting and turning on bed for the past half hour even after watching my favourite anime Bleach, still does not render me to feeling sleepy despite how relaxed I have been. Something must be clouding my mind.

One of the reasons I wish to leave my thoughts here is to keep my memories and life’s happenings eternal in cyberspace, as life can be so brittle; I was suddenly reminded of an ex-army friend’s death on Mother’s Day this year where he lay in coma for the past month before taking his leave from this world. He was doing great in his career; though I don’t know him that well as a buddy, the important values of life to survive in the corporate world after my army contract has been true and useful, that brought me this far.

Alex, thank you for teaching me the value of the Chinese saying “出外靠朋友”. You’ll always remain fond in our memories…

This incident gave me a wake-up call, to value life more and to live each day to its best, be it at work, family and spending time with loved ones. Nothing can be more wonderful than having our loved ones being there to encourage us and guide us through this journey of life, a wonderful gift that God has given to us.

I will walk this journey of life and face the challenges ahead, no matter how tough the going gets....

Final shift...

of the 2-week shift duty at my workplace, and I really felt different this time. Now I know what it means to have experience.

I was working with E + G this time and they asked me about what to do for various situations about work and managed to help them. As my knowledge has grown to a substantial amount and during periods of chat, G commented that "we should nominate Melvin as TL" and I smiled quietly. Could this be an affirmation of my skillset having reached a substantial level?

My objective at work has always been to help everyone and ensure everyone works happily together as our nature of work is somewhat different despite being in the same industry as many organisations.

Guess good things are coming out from my near-to-a-year of learning through trail and error...I remember that my proactive and initiative spirit has not been in vain, and this certainly is beneficial to me in terms of experience and credibility.

How true can the word "ATTITUDE" mean! Try adding all the letters together and you should get 100! Start with 1 for A, 2 for B and so on...go try it!


This dates all the way back to 1994 when I was introduced to this sport in East View Secondary School, where I attended the express technical stream. Ruisheng, one of my close buddies back then, just started out riding with Weixiong and James, whom the former was really a pro. He could even do floater just like this when he borrowed a flatland bike from a student he doesn’t know, and after he pulled off the trick, the student asked his friend to help Weixiong to carry his bag…phew! Heard from Ruisheng that Weixiong was riding a Haro Ground Zero frame, which was like riding an elephant! In those days of flatlanding, frames are better when heavier.

Favourite riding spots were in Pasir Ris Park, void decks near Weixiong’s home, Tampines Bus interchange and uncovered badminton courts in Tampines neighbourhood.

My first bike is a Haro Zippo, a hybrid of flatland and street riding, having a long frame with a thick lower tubing which was the trend of frames in that era of BMX flatland. Chromed parts were the in-thing back then too.

Cool frames include Black Sabbath designed by the legendary Chase Gouin,

Chase Gouin

followed by Hoffman’s Big Daddy designed by Kevin Jones,

Kevin Jonesthe Father of flatland. More about these 2 riders will be introduced later.

I remember I arrived at East Coast Park and that’s where I got to know Weixiong personally and also saw James, plus a few other riders like Ah Pui (fatty) – his chrome frame noticeably had “Emergency Exit” sticker ripped from SBS buses across the lower tubing, Rexon (Ruisheng calls him ‘dua kang song’) – will say that he’s tired whenever Ruisheng asks him to perform a trick that he claims that he can do.

Introduction to the 1994 riders:

Weixiong’s really pro in his riding and though he is good, he isn’t arrogant and consistently encouraging me as I was learning new tricks as I was a new rider back then. Graded Singapore #5!

James is a little different, he’s good but has some weird behaviour and often picks on Ruisheng who was pretty new back then too. Can’t comment much about him as I do not know him well in person, but definitely remember the Gyrate trick, which he was able to spin off in a tight circle at a really high speed.

Ah Pui? Haven’t spoke to him before but he’s pretty quiet…as for Rexon, I needn’t explain further…haha…

Oh yes, not to forget another rider by the name of Andy who sports long hair like Ekin Cheng, harnessing the nick of “scuffer king”, well known for his scuffing tricks.

Ah Guan, who sports a Wickerson fork (extra long forks that reach beyond the axle pegs), and likes to “nod” his head when he rolls in Cliffhanger. There’s a joke Ruisheng cracked on this, that goes “Ah Guan, treat me a meal” and he goes “mm mm” agreeing as he nods his head to the rolling momentum of Cliffhanger, and the next phrase “Ah Guan, give me your bike” and he gets startled and falls off his bike. Yes, he’s also

Will: Don’t know him that well but I read up about him in Bobby Carter’s page whom I got to know online.

Next up the line we have John, Singapore’s #3 who rides a full chromed bike which was known to cost $1200. Learnt that he works in a factory in Eunos and stays in private apartment in Kembangan. Eeks…sidetrack sidetrack!

Coming up higher will be Vincent aka Ah Kok, Singapore #2 who could do a backwards Abubaka into a Decade after rolling down from kerb.

Singapore #1, Andre Reyes: Only met him once during the later part of my riding days. He stunned me with his Mid-air Axle Pegstand Decade. Heard he went to US for studies with his flatland bike, and came back as a pro!

When I was sometime into the sport, Ruisheng was pretty good and managing to do dumptruck and scuffing them really well, some riderse were quitting and he “blamed” me and asked me why I started to ride…welll, since I’ve started, I should ride on.

Fast forward into the future, I came back into riding scene in Jun 06 after watching a series of flatland videos in YouTube, and got in touch with Jiawei whom had been riding with the bunch of old riders which I’ve abovementioned. It turned out that he also knew Gerald whom I didn’t mention as I didn’t see him till we went to down to Citylink though I’ve heard about him from Ruisheng.

Some updates about the riders:

Ah Guan: Turned real tough-built as he was enlisted into Divers during NS back then.
John: Unsure of what he is doing now
Vincent: Married with child
Andy: Driving a sports car
James: Heard he’s a father now

Riding on:
: Still riding (YES!)
Gerald: Still riding all these years…he’s really a pro like Will and Andre.
Will: Riding an Ares for Ladies frame, a real tiny frame and sports a beard with snowcap like a Jap hip boy down the street.

Alas, I blame it on my lack of discipline and consistency back then as I had no more riding companions since Ruisheng quitted. Weixiong has been busy with church ministry though his Morales is still at home…I’m sure he’ll come back to ride if he has the chance…this guy really has talent riding man…Ah Guan calls him “Rubber” due to his agility in tricks…haha…

I still keep those flatland pics which I printed from my Canon printer back then. They bring back so much memories.

Though I’m not as actively riding as those days, I managed to learn tricks in a pretty short frame of time:

Smoothie: 3 days
Cyclone: 7 days
Fire Hydrant: 9 days

Yes, they are basic tricks which I failed to learn properly back then. Thanks Jiawei, for teaching me the correct techniques of each trick and your patience throughout the month of Jun 06 – Jul 06.

Ride on, I will. Each rider develops their own unique style so I will need to ride on and upkeep the consistency to craft out the techniques with time.