I had arrived in a village after talking to this girl named Jacqualine who I recently met at a dinner; it was an old village-like town; there seemed to be some documentary that was filmed before about this shady dealer who doesn't want his face to be revealed; he was more like a bomoh than a typical dealer as he sells some unusual stuff which claimed to have supernatural powers.

At one corner of the village, I rowed my small little boat over and saw the locals minding their own business; but they were somewhat feasting on something which doesn't look quite the usual.  Now I know why there aren't any cemetaries in this village.  Dead members turned into meala for others when they pass on; according to the locals, these were 'cleansed' by the bomoh so that no diseases were present when ingested.

Further down the village, I saw some of dearie's relatives and one of her aunties claimed that these foods were good as her skin allergy were cured after taking them.

Back to that street where that bomoh lived; I could only see the name of the street which was something like 'Sivanathan Road' but there was no chance to go nearer to find out exactly where he lived; according to the folks who sit by that area, they said that the deity he worshipped was believed to be blind so that what he did here could not be seen by the gods.

Eyes opened: 5:50am; quite a disturbing dream.

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