I took the last dive of run for this marathon which had an unusual route; part of it was going up a ramp and some steps of a staircase; and I had came by this place twice; at the final dash, I saw Kevin, Ruisheng and the rest of the Dynasty there who were cheering me on as some of them either had completed the marathon or attempted the shorter route.

After the run was completed, we went to Kevin's place and this time, his house looked very different.  Finished in matt grey with some futuristic looking doors, the space was also different as it had various rooms which were separated by wide walkways. Upon entering his house, I saw an LED panel which showed my run timing (2 hours) and we were talking and I felt like doing a re-run after disqualifying myself.

I ventured into this place in one of the wide corridor walkways; an elderly lady whom seemed familiar showed me the NOD Kite which was cloaked and could not be seen with the naked eye, became visible with a swipe of a special gesture on her hand; it was olive green with NOD symbols marked on the corners.  Looks like a perfect surveillance device after mounting a gopro on it.

Next scene showed me passing through the hall, Iris looked a little drenched as the balcony had rain rushing in.  The doors between each room were motorised; one touch and the door automatically swings out and closes thereafter.

Eyes opened, it's already 9am.
I had arrived in a village after talking to this girl named Jacqualine who I recently met at a dinner; it was an old village-like town; there seemed to be some documentary that was filmed before about this shady dealer who doesn't want his face to be revealed; he was more like a bomoh than a typical dealer as he sells some unusual stuff which claimed to have supernatural powers.

At one corner of the village, I rowed my small little boat over and saw the locals minding their own business; but they were somewhat feasting on something which doesn't look quite the usual.  Now I know why there aren't any cemetaries in this village.  Dead members turned into meala for others when they pass on; according to the locals, these were 'cleansed' by the bomoh so that no diseases were present when ingested.

Further down the village, I saw some of dearie's relatives and one of her aunties claimed that these foods were good as her skin allergy were cured after taking them.

Back to that street where that bomoh lived; I could only see the name of the street which was something like 'Sivanathan Road' but there was no chance to go nearer to find out exactly where he lived; according to the folks who sit by that area, they said that the deity he worshipped was believed to be blind so that what he did here could not be seen by the gods.

Eyes opened: 5:50am; quite a disturbing dream.
Saw myself walking through this WWII styled barracks which were somehow inhabited by non-military personnel and through the passageway, Kevin and I were heading to the examination hall with another classmate and we were all in our secondary school uniform and footwear were allowed to the extent of sandals.  We had planned to go to another place after this paper; and when we were all in our school uniform, it felt like we had warped into another dimension.

After the paper, we walked towards this colonial-styled cafe and there was a guy dressed in a flashy blue and trendy top who greeted us in a somewhat unfriendly way, slapping the napkin on a chair which he had draped on his forearm earlier.

We then saw ourselves back in this barracks involved in some discussion where we were all prepared to go on an archaeological trip.

Eyes opened; 630am.

It is the 3rd day of DFS after the battling hours but finally it's over.

Lunched with the usual gentlemen club which wasn't a pleasant experience; all I can is that people of their own group will definitely take care of their own people.  After today's experience, I guess it's time to revert to solo-lunch; something which I had been doing for the past 4 years.

Back at the desk, tight-packed momentsbthat I hardly can breathe; all still within my tolerance capacity.

Maybe it is the mental fatigue that caused me to just lay in bed after dinner and not wanting to do anything else/go anywhere.

I hope this DFS will end soon.

This is probably the 2nd time that I felt this kind of mental fatigue; the drag after a battling day at the now not so new, battleship.

Even the road trip did not bring me to this level of mental exertion despite a 3 hour sleep and 7 hours of drive.

It's been really awhile since I wrote here as I've somewhat settled back to the Matrix where 'we go to work' in this digital world of our mental perception'.

Considering the mental energy level now, I should get some rest.
We woke up around 4 - slightly behind schedule and by the time we left Kevin's home, it was about 5am; my ride was parked a little further away and finding the way out was a little challenging as I had to wriggle and wind through the unfamiliar layout of the estate; anyhow, I was a little perspiry by the time I met up with everyone.

Aster is going back to her hometown too; as both herself and Iris are locals.

6am+ Woodlands checkpoint hit at and it took me a while to link up with the rest as I took a slight detour; the direct route was the NS Highway which dips left upon clearance of Malaysian Immigration - anyhow we managed to link up at the Macdonalds which was about 30 mins drive from where I last communicated with them in Johor Bahru.

The first stopover was about an hour or so of drive up and we took the opportunity to reload on rations, clear our "excess oil" and discuss on the next order of move.  Not a bit of the lack of rest is hitting me as I continue to keep myself well-hydrated.

By the time we hit Ipoh, it was already way past lunch time and we all continued to live on the packed food we got from the few stopovers; sun had picked up tremendously.

3pm+ At Penang Bridge, time had passed so much quickly and I could see a major traffic slowdown apart from the slowdown along the highway due to bottlenecked roads and rainy areas.  This place was a little more challenging to drive, but the motorist here are not as rash like those in Singapore.  It took us almost an hour to reach Aster's place before we made our way to Iris' place.

Once touchdown, her mum brought us out for food - the first stopover was at a coffeeshop which sold various types of noodles such as the fried kuay teow, pig innards beehoon, rojak and more types of noodles.  Still feeling fresh at this point of time.

8pm+ More food; I call this the 2nd stuffing session.

When we were done and ready to rest, it was already past midnight and that was when I finally lay rest for the day.  Iris was still astonished that I am strong and going up to this point in time - considering I had only 3 hours of sleep the night before.  Since I'm putting up at Iris' place, I shared the room (Iris') with Kevin and she slept with her mum.

It is the final day of work and I have to pack all things up nice and neat so that I will not fall into a rude shock when I return 8 days later.

All's well so I can get back home, wrap up with final packing and see dearie for one time before I hit the road.  This will be my very first and longest distance travelled by road on a self-pilot basis and that will mean a personal achievement when I complete the journey up.

As much as I look forward very much to this road trip, a certain anxiety can be felt within. It gets easier when the evening approached and soon, I was already at Kevin's place to bunk over for the night before getting up earlier for the long jouney ahead.