Made the final rush to clear work for the year before breaking for the rest of the year. It's the latest in history that I've stayed so late.

Time flies; year is passing by really soon and it'll be time soon to reflect on what had occured / achieved this year. A mixture of pleasant and unavoidable unpleasantness i must say.

It's slightly more than a month since my last run and I'm still in time with my run ; no deterioration of stamina though timing can be better.

Hope I can fall asleep soon; the running certainly keeps me on awakened considerably.

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I saw myself onboard this ship where there's a built-in pool, nothing neat and clean like that of Royal Carribean but rather in 'Waterworld' style.

It was on the other side of this ship which I had boarded, after talking to someone whom I've met but can't match the face to a name. She shared with me about this 'aerial burial' of her relative which was done in the mountains, 1000+ feet above sea level. The only exception is that the deceased is not encased in any coffin but simply left in resting position perched between 2 poles sticking out from a large stone facade.

Upon further passing at the built-in pool, I opened my eyes. 727am, it's time to get back to battlefield.

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One of the nights where the mind felt considerably stretched after a long battling day and returning from battlefield after dark.

I don't have much time to clear so I have quickly settle things before the break.

2 spells of slumber hit me just before I continued writing here. Time to recharge that mind.

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A peaceful Christmas has passed with quality time spent with dearie. Soon, the day is over and it's time to return to battlefield tomorrow. A lonesome road journey makes me feel that the seat beside me is unusally empty without dearie's company.

Good night world, and merry Christmas to all.
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One of the unusual nights that I would stay up a little later though I had done my pumping iron before dinner.

There's so much to do after 'silent hours' and yet so little time considering the longer hours spent at this, not so new battlestation. It's a little less noisy today but enough has been done for the day.

A week is going to be done very soon and I look forward to completing it and have my own weekend. Maybe it's the intensity that had somewhat 'silenced' my thoughts for the day. So long as I have done my part right, that is all that matters in the 9 hours spent within the 4 walls.

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The email server's behaving a little weird today so I had to get help from the support team.

Battling day is over afte hearing multiple launches from the SAM site right behind. A colleague had cleared the 1st paper in 1 attempt which adds pressure to me. I briefly shared with the guys from other departments as I tried to keep things positive and light-atmosphered. It works, but inside me, the effects are reversal.

I don't have much time left for preparation but it has to be done; the final attempt for this workyear before I see more problems arising in the new calendar year.

The mind remained disturbed with an unspeakable pressure right at the back of my head. Frankly, I have already grown weary of going back to that place to sit for the paper countless times. It is just that I either simplify this 'defeat' or do not talk about it at all.

So what did I bring home? A mind that's cooked in a pressure cooker and heavily bombarded by the SAM site that seemed to fire off like a malfunctioning symptom. It may sound too technical here, but it's just to save dearie from being 'radiated' by the details here so I decided to use jargons (pun intended).

With these challenges stacking up like Bloxx, I had sometimes thought if being a mercenary would give me better breathing air.

The survival continues.

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I appeared in a place which resembled AMK hub where there are shortcut links to the urban area / suburbs that I had picked up familiarity with soon after awhile.

Before seeing a few ex-colleagues like Indra, I was with this group of friends; a bunch of them were ladies and while guiding them through the route, the group of them took to their heels and went off in a running squad on their own; quite a shock to me as I thought everyone was on proper guidance.

The path to a 'waiting area' which seemed like a portal to Malaysia was actually underneath a flyover highway which was pretty aged, sturdy and one can see the water stains on the beams that hoisted the roads high.

I passed by this food court and saw those 'deserters' but couldn't be bothered much about them as they were not cooperative. Dearie was a little afraid when I told her that the shortcut back home was through a tunnel that is pretty dark. I guided her through and soon we found ourselves back home.

A moment later, I was seen guiding Indra and a few colleagues back to AMK hub, where the route from the portal lead us to the rear of the mall. It looked a little different; we had to climb down a flight of stairs and walking straight will pass by the mall's rear and eventually to the urban area while the bridge on the left (it has a very unique intersection architecture) will bring one to the town area.

Switchscene, I could now be seen driving through some dimly-lit alleys and talking to dearie about how I am able to help many people low-profilely to nab some hit-and-run motorist. As I drive now, I spotted the vehicle number of a hit-and-run culprit and immediately I could trace who it is.

Moving on, I saw myself driving into Bedok Reservoir area which now has become a hub for motorsports enthusiast and heavily tuned cars can be seen populating the area.

Eyes opened; slightly past 7am.

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I feel terrible but I have to bite the bullet and clear this final battle day of the week before getting some proper rest for the weekend.

Itchy throat, lots of phlegm were some symptoms that I am combating, along with the medication that supplies were almost depleted.

Weather had also been rainy so it added to the slowing of recovery; fortunately there were no chances of me being pathetically wet like Tuesday after work when I came back from a KO day.

Soon I made it through the day and could get packing and home for a good rest.

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A week has passed so quickly including the weekend. This weekend's spent quietly locally as I am nursing a terrible cough and flu that had plagued me for the entire week. Fortunately my voice is coming back with some minor itch in the throat.

It's good to be feeling much better again.

Fortunately dearie is also feeling much better with some decent rests over the weekend; so another battling week lies ahead for us before the holiday season hits again.

Eyes shutting soon to awaken to another battling week.

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12/12/2012 16:04: +94 75 104 8935: 無碼恐怖高潮新é«"驗★
12/12/2012 16:04: +94 75 104 8935: <image omitted>
A scam message which I had received today. Whatever it is, do not open the hyperlink embedded within.
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I had the usual habit of waking up early though I slept around 1am yesterday after catching the T4 Salvation movie on TV2.

The sore throat and Ghost Rider sensation plagued me but I have to put up with it as we have a considerable journey home.

Final stop to pick up some stuff from Jonker Street and we're on our way back.

The road towards expressway had been rather choked as there were several jams along the way. Rainy season hence some parts of the highway were covered by heavy thunderstorm, and travelling speed was greatly limited.

After refuelling at JB, we did a search for the famous 'lok lok' stall but could not find it, hence we settled for the roadside stall 'mee hoon kuay' before heading back.

A massive jam before CIQ welcomed us and it took us 1 hour to reach the immigration point.

Finally we reached dearie's place at 10:30 before I made my way home while still putting up with the ghost rider head sensation.

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The surge of heat from yesterday did not render me suitable to enter battlefield hence I had to rest for the day.

Ghost rider sensation is gone, but the runny nose, throbbing headache and sore throat persisted. After medication, I continued with slumber; most likely the continuation of rest from yesterday and also the medication which 'enhanced' slumber.

Appetite had been small too as I didn't feel like eating much.

Hope I will be in a much better shape to return to battlefield tomorrow.

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The mind still feels pretty drugged as the giddiness spell accompanied me as I took a walk to my usual bus stop.

From the looks of it, it's certain that heaty food are stuff which are not suited for me and should be avoided for good.

With the busyness of the season, this month should pass by very quickly and bringing me into the 2nd month onboard this ship. From all the correspondences I've seen, there seemed to be a considerable turnover in this place and I certainly have gained interest in the reason behind it.

Let's hope the medication does not hinder me for today's work.

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This number called again.  I wonder if this is a telemarketer again.
It took me a while to fall into slumber last night; some mental occupance, in search for something while waiting for moist hair to dry.

The week had been battlesome; the best solution to have more time to clear work would be to get in early and then get out on time.

Iron pumping has been restored so it'll be a good additional regime on top of the athlete's journey where I clock mileage.

Another road trip will commence in a couple of days' time and this will be the 'actual run' after that reccee I had done a week ago. Another 2 days of battle lie ahead before that exit journey.

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Spam advertisement I had received today:

------ SMS Text ------
From: +6581135947
Received: Dec 4, 2012 17:04
Subject: <adv> Straits Times interviewed...

<adv> Straits Times interviewed
63845607 home tuition free exam papers/score A seminar.
Forward sms to friends<un>
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Light shower, cooling wind, empty street. A perfect evening for a solo walk back to embark on a wheeled journey home.

The weekend had ended pretty quickly with several events that took up majority of our time. Anyhow, I'm glad thag I could visit my auntie and uncle.

I like to describe today as 'vulcan day', as it had been pretty mentally gruelling and things are still very much kept in order. Revision done for the day and in 4 days' time, it will be another round of one of the papers I have to clear.

Would love to stay and soak in the atomosphere of this evening but I have to move on to continue the mainstream journey,

Sent via Cyrus' BlackBerry
I came into this place which resembled Kevin's humble abobe, thoughit looks very much different than that I had seen in reality.

The place had some areas filled with statues, other area filled with electronic stuffs. Suddenly I realised this place ad transformed into a storefront, and both Kevin and his wife were running this store. At the distance as I was chatting with Iris, his wife, Ruisheng was talking to Kevin and making those 'no laughing matter' jokes filled with action; our very own flavour off humour.

In a short moment, I suddenly opened my eyes. Its already 6am; I must've dozed off the night before without realising while waiting for dearie.