Another short holiday has passed and life's back to normal, the mainstream.

While having lunch, I had been reminded about a dream that a person get's 'terminated' when his / her timer is up, just like the upcoming movie, In Time works. Also, with the recent death of the MotorGP racer, considering their talent in their field, this is where one thing in common have been shared; are talented people made to be short-lived?

If that was the case, it'll be something pretty cruel, to deprive them of seeing and feeling the world they are born into, much longer.

But again, that's part and parcel of life.

November's coming soon; a good time for another vacation after I had been affirmed, but the question now is, whether dearie has any time off her work. Else, I have to travel alone.

Rainy season..let's hope this will not be disruptive for any plans ahead.

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Ok, half an hour more and it's time to get back to the the line of fire.

The schedule had simply been busy, except for some 'rest time' during the weekend that had fruitfully been spent with dearie.

I have to get out though; staying indoors on a weekend is way too much confined somehow.

One week without much contact with my digital shooter. That's way too I have to plan something decent for the evenings ahead since I'm far more mobile with my base planted outdoors. All I need is to execute those planned spots.

Searing hot afternoon makes me decide to keep the rest of the free hour indoors. Let's hope that this evening will not be prolonged on a disruptive basis.

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Seemed like it's been quite a while since I wrote something here.

The past week back to mainstream had been mundane as I still have a major part of my mind on the other, real side of me. Fitness is to be caught up thus I've attempted the preliminary run a few days back at a park where I usually plant base.

Weather? Rainy. Fortunately, dearie and I did not visit Bangkok as it's a Monsoon Ultimatum now with the bad flood.

Rest had been deep as I had been sleeping quite little as I have quite a fairbit of backlogs. As such, the next better option was to catch naps after meals. Locations had to be carefully selected to ensure the best 'tacticalitiy' was adopted.

The first full-fledged civilian weekend is coming though I have to be here tomorrow.
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Alright, I didn't bring my shoes this evening so I had to forsake the run. RTU for weights training though I had already done a 'warm up' from the 10min walk from mainstream portal to outstationed base.

The workout was like a resurrection to the potential of those muscles in 'soul sleep' mode. Using my peak-training program, it was one of the best ways to 'wake them up' into start developing.

What a refreshing workout!

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Target practise.  All of us had to jump up and hit a single floating target in the air.  By doing so, a certain percentage of our energy is used and when it's fully exhausted, we have to wait for it to regenerate.

I spotted a few players who were desperately trying to finish off the target and did not allow the energy meter to fully charge before volleying the next wave of attack.

Sceneshift to show that I had just left a castle-like place where walls of stone in dark grey compounded the area.  Soon I came to a clearing where some old, watercraft artifact was placed in the dust-grounded town backyard which were due to be cleared for commercialisation where they will make non-authentic replicas of the artifact and place many copies of it around the newly developed town.

Next scene showed me taking an aircraft and passing through a city.   Great fogs greeted me which kept me wondering where and why it came about.  Finally, the answer is here; one giant fireball which descended from the sky without visibility of the place where it came from, except for a spiral of smoke where they had departed from the sky.  A flypast showed the effects when the fireball hit the ground; purple smoke surrounding the enflamed area.

The next scene ahead showed an accident which choked the 2nd vehicle to the rear of the 1st, many passengers were frantic as they were stuck in the rear of the 2nd vehicle but no help could be seen coming anytime soon.  There was a flood that came into this town where the accident took place.  I had descended from my airtransport and called the emergency services; some outlaws were running around so I had to avoid being spotted by them as they were a notorious group in that town.

We managed to "hijack" a tower-like air transport that structure was constructed of the most unusual design.  None of it suggested that it could actually fly.  My accomplice, who resembled Rikky in FFX, was piloting the ship as it flew through the dark town of the southern tip, which was pretty deserted and not in a sorry state.  At the tip of the aircraft, it had many buttons around the cylindrical pillar, which I had to switch on each button to see it's features.  Each button, upon discovery, each button has a light function which illuminates different parts around the front.  It took me awhile before I found out which was the best lighting combination to for our aircraft's route.

After landing at a backyard, we decided to make our way into the town to see what we could find.  An optical shop had a motion banner which the female would blink her eyes at the passerby who makes eye contact with her.

We were there to explore what are the possible causes of the fireball rain.

Before I could go further, 6:45am, marks the beginning of the day.  Good morning world.

Stripey wanted to follow me home last night after playing with her for awhile at her usual spot. From her gestures, she seem to be pretty inclined to be near human contact.

Unfortunately I can't let her stay at my parent's place hence I had to leave her outside while I had returned home late.

She is the 4th resident at my block's strays whom had been increased only recently. The rest had been around for awhile and I had started noticing them recently after reading about some articles in CWS about the happenings and things done for these strays around our heartland.

I must admit that I have a soft spot for animals. However, from the heartbreaks sustained after the passing on of Sunshine and Jack, I swore that I won't keep another pet to avoid seeing their end.

The world had been made beautiful with the presence of all these animals, and once again, life and death are part and parcel in a typical life cycle that are inevitable.

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It's the last week of this ICT. The evening before booking in had been mentally disturbing as I had wanted to have a good rest at dearie's place but I couldn't, so I had to leave earlier to get home, re-org my items and then move out.

The glasses are missing; must have dropped them without realising when I was running to avoid the rain yesterday when I got home.

Is dearie sleeping soundly now? I have to rest soon; just another 4 days and I'll be free to return to unit with my beloved angel; the only peacebringer to my chaotic nature.

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A rainy morning after awakening from a long, yet dramatic dream. Something that reminded me of the Final Fantasy XIII world where part of the mind still resides.

The time so far had been pretty quiet; just a little disturbed after hearing some news of displeasure about my involvement in the 'media coverage' during the period of ICT to date. They have their argument point and I shant contest about it. All I want is to get over and done with this, and life can proceed without such 'disruption'.

In a couple of weeks' time, life will be back to normal. Sometimes, one would just want this 'official' break to last especially when you get the hang of it.

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It's only 8pm and yet it feels like the evening had been swiftly robbed through time.

The journey back to camp later for the rest of the military training will be longsome.  After having some time with loved ones, which just passes so quickly, it's soon time to be going off to complete the rest of my duties.

I have an important task tomorrow for an important ceremony.  Anyhow, it will be a busy day as we all have a sequence of events running up for us back to back.  Let's hope the days go by fast, so that another weekend will be here so that I can reconnect with my loved ones, especially my angel.

Today was a little mentally challenging as I had awoken far earlier to send her to her friend's place as she was helping out at a wedding.  After fetching dearie back from Compasspoint, the evening started to wither off; as darkness was catching up, so does the "freedom moment" which will be over quite soon.

I had better not think with each passing moment; it only builds up on the already unbearing heart.