Dearie and I booked this resort which was set on a kelong like building which was surrounded by boats parked along this area.  We were shown to our rooms and it was actually a dormitory which could house up to 8 people but ony 2 of us were staying here.

While flipping through the bedding, I notice a girl laying sideways beneath the covers and asked if she was staying here after confirming she isn't someone dead.  She just laid there sideways quietly, dressed in pyjamas and kept staring at the adjacent wall.  Being curious, I asked what was she looking at and she pointed out to me while mentioning 'jiejie' (Chinese word for elder sister) and described that "she" is there and has non-symmertical shaped eyes.  A glance in her said direction showed me nothing.

It came a little disturbing as "the real thing" now; next scene showed me waking up afternseeing the door being swung opened with no one and curtains flapping to no wind.  Learning of this presence, I called out to '小倩' to request not to disturb.  Soon, some commotion from the space downstairs (there's now a Chinese temple) could be heard, where an exorcism ritual was going on.  A man was being thrown hard on the floor from above head height but yet could still get up, while grunting aggressively in an unfamiliar tone which obviously was not his voice.  The 'kelong style' resort had now turned into a place built on solid grounds.  After he was cleansed and regained consciousness, I chatted up with him and he shared his experiences during the struggle.

Since I was up, I decided to take a walk and saw Curren hauling some noodles in a stall while sampling them; it seemed like he was working there.  Since there were no orders, we decided to sit down for some drinks to catch up.

Eyes opened at 6:50am.  It was like the closest encounter of the supernatural presence.

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