Day 3 of the a conventional slumber.  The fan continues to spew hot air but at least I've killed 3 mozzies this evening who had been the residents feeding on me solely for the past few days, depriving me of proper slumber and studding my legs with mosquito bites.

Tonight I have no choice but to keep the windows shut; ar least this will keep the mosquitoes from entering my room since its rather near to vegetation.  With 2 fans at work, tonight should be a much better slumber; most importantly I hope I have eliminated all the freeloader mozzies living in my room.

The heat reminds me of how the locals in Cambodia live since the country's relatively warmer than Singapore.  Guess this season is one time I get to experience it

Midweek cometh...I should go out for a walk and not be cooped at home after battlebox hours.
I took this landcruiser like transport which hovers above ground and went through various mountainous areas.  At first, the climate was in the artic zone and soon, it turned to temperate and I no longer see the icy mountains.  At one scene, I was taking a dip on a steep downslope; that was where I realised I was moving downhill from mountain peak.

Next scene shows me with several troops, some weree deployed in Zone A while the rest were in Zone B; mission appears to be a perimeter security type.  All of us were issued weaponary and I had the P226 strapped around my waist by landyard.  At one area we patrolled, the ground started to crumble down in a patterned manner, and every part of the ground were equally segmented; at this point in time? I whipped out my DSLR to get the 'everyone in action' shot.  Soon, the mission was over and there was the Master Transport Specialist warrant officer who ushered all of us back for trooplift as there was a huge, crane-like vehicle involved: one of them had a tipper tailboard which could swing well over our head with ample clearance as it was shapes like a scoop, tapered back from the vehicle's tail length.

Eyes opened; 7:19AM.
Saw myself in this ammo base like camp which reminded me of those days when I was on course and had to walk across the bridge to the next camp for other training sessions.

The setup this now looked little different; lots of trees as if we were in Botanic Gardens as we had to do a run which was about 10ish km, where I saw some ex-comrades like Norman Kee (he was a well-known gold medalist for the IPPT) and after running several rounds, I got bored and decided to head out of camp to run.  The road the left of the camp's exit after downhill of about 100m was covered in thick weeding and being dim-lit, I could not ascertain the depth of the shroud and decided to head the  other direction.

After a run and heading back, I noticed the guardhouse at the foot of the hill now is being used, painted in pale grey and shielded by 2 converging walls, making the entrance to the sentry post unit rather narrow.  There seemed to be a bridge nearby that allows one to cross over to reach the camp premises directly.  I saw my ex-comrade Bee Peng where we exchanged smiles to greet each other.

Eyes opened at 7am and I realised I was in bed.
The continuation of the next trip planning has been done with dearie.  Though it didn't take a long time, we managed to finetune part of the itinerary.

Hence the evening was pretty well spent though I have alot of post to be done for the recent Cambodia trip.
Massive planning for the next trip with dearie; this time, it's right down to details of how to get around, fares, travel times and things to see / do at these designated places.  The planning so far have been quite smooth; what's left is to slot in those dates for the later part of the trip.

Considering the duration, there might be places we are unable to visit so I guess we have to arrange for those separately.
The first day of the stormy week begins with overloading and unloading.  In a wink of an eye, the clock has read 6pm and I am still doing the massive unloading.

A considerable amount from the fuel cell has been depleted that a bath brings back some freshness - nevertheless an earlier night was called for considering more battle the following day.

In less than a week's time I will be off from this island for the 'Tomb Raider' journey along with The Dynasty - a clique of extraordinary fellowship which had stood for 2 decades.

After that series of unsuccessful attempts of clearing one of the 2 cursed paper, things no longer look bright and it looks like time to route for an alternative battleship.  This is the only option to stop that financial wastage and having fresher air.  Look forward to the end of the day once again.
Certainly a hot day but managed to get lots of things done within a short morning.

Weather had taken an incline after the fiery afternoon; a sign of a descend in temperture.  On my watch, temperature reads as high as 35 degrees Celcius.  "Bring the rain" and looking forward to a cooling afternoon.

Giving my new Apple bluetooth keyboard a test run this afternoon to access the comfort and ease of use; it certainly has fared well considering the ingenious invention.